Pianist Pierre-André Doucet [gave] a knockout performance of Liszt's arrangement of his son-in-law's Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde. The emotion of his playing and his impeccable control held the audience spellbound. This was followed by Aussie composer Carl Vine's Piano Sonata No. 1 (1990). Doucet's command was, once again, superb.
Anthony Kershaw, Audiophilia
Pierre-André Doucet is an accomplished pianist of the romantic, full-blooded school. His Liszt performances were impressive.
Michael Green, Artsmart
Pierre-André Doucet has a remarkable pen. His prose is both syncopated and melodious, his phrasing is neat, his lyricism disillusioned.
Sébastien Lavoie, Lettres québécoises
An absolute must-read. [...] The most beautiful part of it all is that it's neither a novel, nor creative non-fiction - no short stories here, either - but a series of brief and brave fugues.
Catherine Parayre, Voix plurielles
The texts in chiac reveal themselves to be particularly fascinating: in fact, an alluring musicality seems to emerge from them. [...] The language, the themes, the images: it all evokes a tremendous, modern perfume laced with sensitive lyricism. Without a doubt, one of this fall's lovely surprises.
Benoit Migneault, Fugues
Through coloured characters, often men, Doucet explores love, journeys, life and death: all with a rhythmic language that is also musical, endearing, humorous, lyrical, and sometimes, even timid.
Véronique Sylvain, Liaison
Nothing is out of place. It reads like a musical score.
David Lonergan, Acadie Nouvelle